Following discussions with the Honey Cluster Group in Wales, we are happy to announce that Canolfan Tir Glas has forged a partnership with a local honey producer who has now established an apiary on the Campus. This has been arranged following the undertaking of a risk assessment and with the full support of both the Property Development and Estates Units.
This is the start of what we hope will be a number of sustainable projects developed as part of the Canolfan Tir Glas vision on the Lampeter Campus.
We hope to have some Mêl Tir Glas Honey in 2022 which will be a wonderful product for sale by a local producer as we celebrate the University’s bicentenary.
Mêl ap Griff, the company that is responsible for the apiary, is looking forward to working with Canolfan Tir Glas and the University in the future.