University of Wales Trinity Saint David’s Role

As a core organisation, the University acknowledges that it has a central role to play in the process of regenerating Lampeter in the post-Covid period. Despite this, it will not be able to achieve the aims on its own. Collaborating with a range of local, regional and national stakeholders will be key if it is to realise the vision in question.

The University sees itself as a catalyst for change. This change will be positive, sustainable, aimed at the long-term and will be beneficial to future generations. 

The University’s offer is based on facilitating and accelerating economic growth in Lampeter and the vicinity. Strengthening economic resilience is central to this vision and this will be achieved, mostly, by utilizing the range of natural resources that exist locally.

We wish to see a confident community full of ideas, a community willing to take risks, a community ready to change and adapt where necessary.

By integrating the local environment, health and welfare, social justice and the economy, the University believes that an innovative scheme can be developed that could change the hopes of the people of Lampeter and the vicinity for the better in the long term.  

On the one hand, the scheme will respond to the worldwide ecological emergency; on the other, it will offer Lampeter a local solution and will be a worthy celebration of Ceredigion’s rich rural life.